Discover, embrace, and share your unique medicine with the world.

The Vitalist School exists to provide a deep and full-bodied transformational experience for coaches, counselors, bodyworkers, or anyone with a commitment to creating more consciousness in the world.

Enrollment is OPEN!

Are you curious about whether Vitalist School is a good fit for you? Join us for our Zoom Information Session* with Micah & Leah on Tuesday, May 13th at 7:00pm.

*There is no obligation to enroll if you attend the Zoom meeting. This casual meet & greet is an opportunity to receive more information and to ask questions.

In a world of self-help books and get-rich-quick schemes, we’ve been told that change doesn’t have to cost that much.

We’ve been taught to believe that the secret to everything “working out” is finding, buying, and believing there is something outside of ourselves that will fix whatever need we think we have. We’ve been told to take the pill, read the book, and say the mantra...

But we won’t tell you that.  

We know change is hard.

And we know true change is possible...but it takes work.

Here at the Vitalist School, we are committed to teaching the teachers.

We know how often you are supporting others. 

We know how your own self-care, spiritual, and emotional growth

 often take the backseat to caring for others.

We know you can only lead people to the places you, yourself, have visited.

We want to be there for YOU this time.

We want YOU to be there for YOU this time.

Who this program is for…


The Vitalist School exists to provide a deep and full-bodied transformational experience for coaches, counselors, bodyworkers, or anyone with a commitment to creating more consciousness in the world. While this program has been written and designed for practitioners, it is not essential that you are a practitioner. Most skills learned are applicable to family or friends. Anyone taking the course will have an opportunity to do their own transformative work due to the nature of the content. However, considering the depth and intensity of this school, it is not recommended that this be your first foray into developmental work.

This program is for practitioners who are tired of giving “suggestions." It's for those who are tired of hearing the same story on repeat without significant change. This is for practitioners who are as dedicated to their own growth, healing, and deep work as they are to their clients' transformation. 

The nature of working to such depth and vulnerability with other humans is life-changing and a deep honor. Any participant taking the program will run into their own traumas, stuck places, fear, and shame. While the nature of this work can be heavy at times, we will rely on playfulness, humor, and not taking ourselves too seriously as we transform and remember who we really are.

What people are saying…

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From Alexandra…

I knew from the moment I walked through the door at our very first class that I was embarking a new path of self-discovery with a loving, trusting community. There is something to be said when there is a collective around you doing the same work, getting down and dirty to the grimy emotion buried within oneself, in each individual’s unique way.

The leadership holds a strong container for any energy and emotion that may arise and curates a safe space that allows for feeling into vulnerable parts of self. It creates a profound trust and willingness to explore those rather scary, dark places in order to find solace and become more skilled at navigating healing for ourselves and others.

My entire life has undergone a transmutation in the best of ways. I never realized how much I was living in other people’s energy until practicing breathwork and working with the different maps for personality patterns.

I have a newfound ability to connect with myself and become a witness to what I am feeling and how to proceed. I have learned how my energy moves and learned modalities to release a high charge in a constructive way. Connections within my community have grown and feel to be built on a deeper level. I am gaining confidence in my ability to facilitate and hold safe space for others on their journey of healing.

The techniques and modalities we have learned thus far have given me a fresh pair of lenses to see and experience the world around me and within me in a whole different way. I believe anyone who is open to receiving guidance in shifting the way they experience life and are willing to see themselves in a new way will deeply benefit from The Vitalist School.

-Alexandra Farber - Naturopath in Training - Vitalist School Student (2019/2020)